Summerhill Crossing Senior Housing
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Mesaba Capital Development and Augustana Care Management Services plan to develop a 86-unit senior care building in Cottage Grove, MN. The building will include independent living, assisted living, and memory care options. Augustana Care is dedicated to helping those we serve to live the lives that most inspire them. Augustana’s guiding principles are to value older generations’ talents and experience; provide the care residents need, when and where they need it; connect residents to people and things that mean the most to them and to support residents and families with spiritual care that speaks to who they are.Mesaba Capital Development and Augustana Care Management Services plan to develop a 86-unit senior care building in Cottage Grove, MN. The building will include independent living, assisted living, and memory care options. Augustana Care is dedicated to helping those we serve to live the lives that most inspire them. Augustana’s guiding principles are to value older generations’ talents and experience; provide the care residents need, when and where they need it; connect residents to people and things that mean the most to them and to support residents and families with spiritual care that speaks to who they are.
The development team engaged Viewpoint Consulting to complete a market feasibility report in December of 2013. The results were favorable, showing demand for all levels of care proposed in the project. The unit mix is based on the market study results and Augustana’s exceptional market knowledge. The project is anticipated to lease up in less than 24 months; however the project has been underwritten to a two year lease-up period.
Cottage Grove is a growing suburban community of 35,000 people in southern Washington County, on the southeastern side of the Twin Cities Metro Area.
It is approximately 12 miles southeast of Downtown St. Paul. Among the suburban communities surrounding Cottage Grove are Woodbury to the north (pop. 64,238 in 2012), St. Paul Park to the west (pop. 5,322), and Denmark Township to the east (pop. 1,776). The Mississippi River is a geographic barrier to the south and west of Cottage Grove, separating Washington County from Dakota County.
Management & Operations: Augustana Care
Contractor: Welsh Construction
Anticipated Completion: September 2015

Copyright © Mesaba Capital Partners
5201 Eden Avenue, Suite #250
Edina, MN 55436
Phone: 612-840-9801